OnWheel Update on Q1 - 2022
April 30th holiday is a good chance for us to look back at our progress on Q1 2022. And while we are quite distracted with the Tet holiday, we still have many exciting news to share with you.
- Join Block71 Saigon' Booster Program Cohort 3: To be granted in this program is already a great recognition & support our effort on building a valuable product, and we also learnt a lot during 6 weeks at this program. Now, we feel more energized and steady to realize our vision on OnWheel

2. Release a new product - MetaTruck - to help individual and SME owner to manage vehicles and daily operation, just by a simple mobile application. This is a huge bet in this year, hence I will share more details about MetaTruck in another post

3. Update pricing: the old pricing unnecessarily confuses you on potential cost and make you worry on unexpected peaking pay; now we offer a fair pricing based on your driver number with a fixed fee amount to pay monthly, with option to scale up your fleet over the defined quota, so it will help you easier to forecast your operating cost then before.

4. We keep improving OnWheel core product by working with many experienced customers in supermarket segment and some valuable updates will be included in our application seamlessly. On the other hand, some extra modules will be introduced on our platform as optional plugins for you to choose.
4 months - 4 big updates, I hope you will get the strong belief on our commitment and a brighter future for our beloved OnWheel. Let's encourage us as always ^^.